Aprender a Estudar: Supporting fourth-grade teachers to prepare lifelong readers and learners

[more information coming soon]
See also: Project
The project takes place in São Paulo, Brazil, in collaboration with public school teachers and administrators and with the authorization of the local Secretary of Education. 

This project will refine and test the Aprender a Estudar (AaE) intervention, a research-based professional development and curriculum --designed by Beatriz Cardoso, President of Laboratório de Educação, and her team in Brazil-- to support fourth-grade teachers in providing excellence and equity in literacy and social studies instruction. AaE targets the language needs identified as major contributors to literacy underperformance in the most up-to-date literacy research broadly, as well as in our own prior research conducted specifically with Brazilian adolescents. This research builds from the findings of the Lemann-funded Learning for All-Brazil project, conducted by Paola Uccelli, Felipe Barrera-Osorio, and Sarah Dryden-Peterson, Harvard Graduate School of Education, in partnership with Beatriz Cardoso and her team in São Paulo, Brazil. 

The project is in its first phase of curriculum refinement and baseline data collection.

This research project is supported by the Lemann Brazil Research Fund at Harvard University through a grant awarded to Paola Uccelli (PI) at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, with Beatriz Cardoso, Laboratório de Educação, and Daniel Domingues Dos Santos, Laboratory of Study and Research in Social Economics (LEPES), University of São Paulo (USP) as Co-PIs.  The opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not represent views of the Lemann Foundation.

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