Educational practices and interventions: Promoting learners’ voices in the US & abroad


Aprender a Estudar: Supporting fourth-grade teachers to prepare lifelong readers and learners

The L4L Pedagogical Vision

“The ultimate pedagogical goal of a CALS-informed approach is not to produce obedient users of formulaic and rigid academic language forms. On the contrary, … [our pedagogical vision is] to equip students' with the language resources and awareness to use language flexibly... if students decide to achieve more effective, more poetic, more profound communication by breaking boundaries, code-switching, or producing different types of hybrid, innovative communicative patterns, students will do so on the basis of knowledge and awareness of ways of using language across contexts, not as the result of lack of language resources. Language is dynamic, flexible, and always evolving. … Just as we need to prepare students to be independent learners of new knowledge, we need to prepare them [as well as teachers, researchers and the population more broadly] to be reflective observers and flexible participants in the different evolving ways of using language, with academic ways of using language certainly being the most important in school, but only one way of using language among many others which are also relevant to navigate a wide and diverse world.” (Uccelli, Phillips Galloway, Aguilar & Allen, 2016)

The L4L Research Approach

The L4L research team works in partnership with practitioners to generate practice-informed research, with the ultimate goal of generating and promoting research-based practices.




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